Board & Management
Board of Directors
Mr Justin Tremain
Non-Executive Chair
Mr Tremain is an experienced Company Director with extensive experience across the mineral resources sector.
He is a founding Director of Caspin and is currently the Managing Director of West African gold explorer Turaco Gold Ltd and Non-Executive Chair of Future Metals NL. He previously held positions of Managing Director and Executive Director of Exore Resources Ltd, Emerald Resources NL and Renaissance Minerals Ltd, and Non-Executive Director of Carnaby Resources Ltd.
Mr Tremain founded Renaissance Minerals Ltd (Renaissance) in June 2010 and served as its Managing Director until its takeover by Emerald Resources NL. Mr Tremain oversaw Renaissance’s growth as first mover into the frontier jurisdiction of Cambodia and successfully defined a highly economic +1 million ounce JORC gold resource and completion of a feasibility study. Prior to founding Renaissance Minerals Ltd, he had over 10 years’ investment banking experience in the natural resources sector.
Mr Gregory (Greg) Miles
Managing Director
Greg graduated as a geologist from the Australian National University in Canberra and has gained over 25 years of experience in numerous commodities and mineral provinces across a broad portfolio of early stage exploration to development projects.
Leadership roles have included executive and non-executive positions with various junior mining companies including IPO’s, providing technical expertise in exploration, project management and acquisitions. Greg has extensive experience in the exploration and delineation of mineral resources and has led successful teams in the discovery of new gold, iron ore and base metal resources. Greg is a former Executive Director of Cassini Resources Ltd, leading the Company’s technical team through the acquisition and early study phases of the West Musgrave Project and exploration of the Yarawindah Brook and Mount Squires Projects.
Greg is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.
Dr Jon Hronsky OAM
Non-Executive Director
Dr Hronsky has 40 years of experience in the mineral exploration industry, primarily focused on project generation, technical innovation and exploration strategy development.
Dr Hronsky has particular experience in gold and nickel sulphide deposits, but has worked across a diverse range of commodities. He was responsible for conceptually targeting the West Musgrave nickel sulphide province in Western Australia.
Dr Hronsky is one of the Principals at Western Mining Services, a global geological consultancy. He is also a Non-executive Director of Encounter Resources (ASX: ENR), Paladin Energy (ASX: PDN), Strickland Metals ( ASX: STK) and is General Partner – Global Targeting and Research at Ibaera Capital. Previously, Jon was Manager-Strategy & Generative Services for BHP Billiton Mineral Exploration and was Global Geoscience Leader for WMC Resources Ltd.
CFO & Company Secretary
Mr Steven Wood
CFO & Company Secretary
Mr Wood is a Principal at Automic Group, where he specialises in corporate advisory, company secretarial, governance and financial management services.
He is a Chartered Accountant and has been involved in various private and seed capital raisings as well as successful ASX listings, whilst also providing company secretarial and financial management services to both ASX and unlisted public companies.
Prior to joining Automic, Mr Wood started his career in the Perth office of Pitcher Partners where he spent several years in their corporate re-structuring division.