Work With Us
Caspin Resources is a small and dedicated team with extensive skills and experience in early-stage exploration and development.
An active explorer, Caspin has exciting targets at the Company’s flagship Yarawindah Brook Project in the new PGE-Ni-Cu West Yilgarn province approximately 100km from Perth, along with the Mount Squires Project in the West Musgrave region of WA, prospective for nickel, copper and gold.
To help us maximise our enormous potential, we regularly seek hard working, enthusiastic people to join our dynamic, growing workforce whilst retaining all the positive attributes of a small company culture.
Caspin offers a collaborative, supportive, welcoming culture where your efforts will be valued and rewarded.
Expressions of Interest
Caspin is regularly on the look-out for talented, skilled people who can assist the growth and development of the Company.
We invite you to submit your expression of interest to us so that we may consider you should a suitable position arise in the future.
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